Nearly 10 years ago, I began blogging as a way of documenting the lessons that God was teaching me in the season of singleness. I love to look back at it and see how God answered all those prayers in ways that only He could and the lessons that I learned. I took a blogging break after meeting and marrying my wonderful husband. I picked up blogging again as we journeyed through infertility, adoption and becoming parents- we became parents with 12 hours notice! When our son was about 4 months old, my husband and I went through a really long and difficult season that lasted about 3 years- one that we’re finally out of and into a new one. I stopped blogging and writing- partly because I had a case of “mommy brain” and that my true feelings and emotions were so raw that it was best not to display them on the world wide web.
I waited a really long time to be a wife and a mom- a road that wasn’t easy but one that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Somewhere along the way, I “lost” my sense of self- my days were spent loving and meeting the needs of my people and with my job- the needs of others. I’ve heard that this is common with moms. I needed something that was for me, but also brought me joy. I read somewhere that if you’ve forgotten your passions, you should reflect on the things of your childhood and what brought you joy, what interested in you, etc. As I look back, for me those things were writing and books. I devoured books constantly but thanks to college and graduate school, I didn’t care if I ever read another book. I would fill notebooks with stories. I have journaled off and on throughout the years and I still love a pretty journal or notebook (just ask my husband! Target does not help this addiction at all!) I also love to speak to groups. Through my job as an adoption social worker, I spoke to churches and various groups about foster care, adoption, orphan care and how they can be involved. Looking back, I see how God was using all of those things to move me into this next season.
About a two yeas ago, the Lord began to nudge me (well, more like a gentle shove!) about telling my story. Really telling it- the good, the bad and the ugly. I didn't do anything with it at first- I came up with every excuse in the book. "No one wants to hear it, I don't have anything to say, I'm not sure how to do it." It wouldn't go away. In fact, it got stronger. I took some baby steps towards that calling but didn’t really pursue it fully. Finally, I took the plunge and here I am. Here’s what I’ve learned: delayed obedience is still disobedience. God has given me a voice, a story to tell. One that points to Him, that points others to Him. So here's the first step in being obedient- telling my story. I don't have a set format for this site/blog and I’m learning as I go- but I do know this: it will tell the story that God is writing day by day and encourage others to do the same. So here’s to new seasons and being obedient.